The Joy of Feedback (2022 Infra Survey)

Posted on: 2022-12-01 00:00:00+00:00

In discussions at ApacheCon in New Orleans, we learned that the three standard methods of communicating with Infra: 

  • opening a Jira ticket 
  • sending an email 
  • posting a message on the #asfinfra Slack channel

are not ideal for many conversations folks would like to have about The ASF's infrastructure.

Roundtable Discussions

Infra is proposing to hold a monthly roundtable of free-flowing discussion.

Our idea right now is that each roundtable event will take place in a Slack huddle and will last an hour.    The first (shorter) part will be Infra talking about a topic of interest, something we are planning, or a problem we are facing. Then we'll open the floor for everyone to talk about that topic... and about anything else infrastructure-related.

We'll create a bullet-point summary of what we talked about, and will make the summaries available in our CWiki space.


We'd also like to start using regular surveys to get to understand the heart of the problems that our projects and podlings face.

Our plan with surveys is two-fold.

First, to get a finger on the pulse of projects and a "2022 year in review" baseline. Since this is the first time we're trying this. it's likely that future surveys will contain different questions.

Second, we'll be sending out surveys on a regular basis, something like every six months or so, just to keep a feedback loop going.

Surveys will be anonymous and results will be posted on the Infra blog. Depending on timing, they will also be discussed in the roundtables if the data is pertinent.

You can find the survey here


  • ASF Infra

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