Planned downtime for Jira

Posted on: 2015-05-18 15:28:11+00:00

Hi All,

There will be a planned reboot of Jira on Thursday 21st May at 16:00 UTC+1

This is 72 hours notice as recommended in our Core Services planned downtime SLA.

Currently, Jira requires a reboot when adding new projects to it. There is an outstanding
ticket with Atlassian about this. They require logs and so these will be gathered at the
time of the planned reboot.

Projects being added to Jira at this time will include:-

INFRA-9516 - Myriad
INFRA-9609 - Atlas

and any more that get requested between now and downtime.

Any projects requiring issues to be imported from other issue trackers will NOT be done at
this time.

A tweet via @infrabot will be tweeted 24 hrs and 1 hr before.
A planned maintenance notice will be posted on

Actual downtime should be no more than 10 minutes all being well.

The next email about this will be after the service has resumed from the planned downtime.



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