Inside Infra October 2024

Posted on: 2024-10-27 00:00:00+00:00

Welcome to Inside Infra for October, 2024

Dealing with phishing attempts

We are seeing a sharp increase in 'phishing attempts', fake emails pretending to come from various ASF groups and committees. Infra has some anti-phishing advice to help you avoid falling for these fake messages.

Infra at Community over Code

Most of the Infrastructure Team attended Community Over Code in Denver, both presenting on infrastructure-related topics and taking part in other discussions.

Gavin McDonald: I love the fact that we had an #asfinfra 'Table' . Near the registration desk it was a foot-traffic-heavy area and the idea was to put our Infra faces to the names ASF folks see online. At the conferences I always meet for the first time people I have chatted with or worked with on their tickets. This time around was also a chance for people to come up to the table and work with us directly on some of these outstanding Infra Jira tickets. They (the tickets) get done so much more quickly and satisfyingly whilst the person is there to help on the spot. Makes it easier for us and for them also. A win all around, and we have made new friends and connections to help with future encounters.

Drew Foulks: It was enjoyable to put faces to names and solutions to problems in Denver. Members of many projects felt comfortable just coming to us with their problems, a big difference from just 3 or 4 years ago...

Roundtable summary

The Roundtable at Community Over Code Denver was lively, with a great discussion on several topics - how to get more people involved in projects and in the larger ASF community, dealing with spam on Bugzilla, and whether and how to help contributors test third-party integrations. Participants also suggested topics for future roundtables.

More details are here.

November roundtables

There will be two roundtables in November, both focusing on dealing with spam and phishing attempts. The first one will be Wednesday, November 6, 1700 UTC. The second one will be a week later: November 13, 1000 UTC. We want to see if a meeting at that time is more convenient for participants from India, Asia, Australia (a wide band of territory!).

See this page for details about how to join a roundtable, and what happens at it.

More soon!

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