Inside Infra April 2024
Posted on: 2024-04-25 00:00:00+00:00
Welcome to Inside Infra for April, 2024.
Infra Reporting Dashboard
The dashboard, at, provides a collection of reports on the overall health and activity of the infrastructure at the ASF. These reports can be helpful in understanding the status of all the ASF 'under the hood' resources, and in assessing the resource cost of some activities, like build processes.
Some of the reports are open to the public, while others are restricted to those who genuinely need them; see the documentation at
MFA at the ASF
Infra is working on policies to cover use of multi-factor authorization (MFA) at The ASF, and tooling to support and enable those policies. The goal is to provide the best-possible security for user accounts at the lowest reasonable level of disruption to work processes.
The draft of the main MFA policy, with a link to the policy on restoring MFA when someone has lost a key element of it, is available at
As we refine the policy and bring the tools to support it online, we will update the policy page. We will make a general announcement when we are close to bringing MFA live for The ASF and its projects.
There was no April roundtable.
The May Roundtable will be on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 1700 UTC. The topic of the day will be "How PMCs can use the STeVe voting tool", with a live demonstration. There will probably also be time for unstructured discussion about other issues and concerns related to infrastructure.
Info about the roundtables is at
Access to the Confluence Wiki
To deal with the creation of spammy accounts and risks to ASF and project information on the wiki, we have limited account-creation: committers and ASF members can automatically log in to the ASF Confluence Wiki without creating an account. At the moment people who do not have an ASF LDAP account cannot create an account in the wiki.
The next issue of Inside Infra will appear near the end of May, 2024.
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