The Infra Newsletter January 2024
Posted on: 2024-01-20 00:00:00+00:00
Hi, all!
Someone who responded to our annual survey (see below) suggested that we start a newsletter to share developments and other news. The suggester thought we should send it to the dev@
list of every PMC and PPMC, but we are going to start with a more limited distribution and see if the benefit to readers outweighs the additional email traffic. If you would like to get each issue in your email inbox, make sure you are subscribed to
The complete text of each month's newsletter appears here on the Infra blog.
Expect to see a new installment of the newsletter toward the end of each month. If you have suggestions, please share them in an email to
The Infra year-end survey
As we start 2024, we're using a survey to review infrastructure developments and plans for the ASF. We will compile responses into an anonymized report to share with the whole ASF community and to provide the Infrastructure team with insights that may help us improve our work in the new year.
If you have not had a chance to fill out the survey yet, it is here. It will be active until February 2, 2024.
The Infra Roundtable
Last year the Infrastructure team started holding monthly Roundtable meetings, in response to requests for a way to discuss infrastructure issues and initiatives. In 2023, we held ten such meetings, usually on the first Wednesday of each month. One meeting was face-to-face, as a part of Community Over Code North America.
Although an Infra member generally makes a brief presentation on some topic, this is not the sort of gathering where we talk and talk and you meekly listen. We enjoy hearing insights from all across the ASF universe, and some very good ideas have emerged from Roundtable meetings and become part of Infra's work plan.
The roundtables last an hour and take place in a huddle in the Infra channel in the Apache space on Slack. Instructions on how to join the roundtables are at
Links to summaries of all meetings are at
The next Roundtable will be Wednesday, February 7, 2024 1700 UTC, and we will focus on Keycloak and two factor authentication.
Infra and conferences in 2024
While Infra will be taking part in both Community over Code (CoC) Europe and CoC North America in 2024, we will not be able to send team members to CoC Asia. It would be great if anyone attending could pass on to us, by email or through our Slack channel, insights or issues discussed at the conference that are relevant to Infra.
What's in a name?
What should we call this thing? "The Infra Newsletter" is straightforward, but maybe not all that catchy. "Infractions", while being a cute mashup of "Infra" and "actions", may not be clear to readers for whom English is not their best language.
Use this link to vote for a name you prefer for the Infra newsletter: The poll is on Google Drive, but you do not have to log in to use it. The poll will stay open until February 5, 2024.
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