DMARC filtering on lists that munge messages
Posted on: 2014-06-03 21:57:08+00:00
**Note**: The solution described below has been incorporated into ezmlm. However, it creates a new problem, generating double 'Reply-To:' headers in the case of lists with a `reply-to` set to something other than the list name. A complete rewrite of this function is under consideration. You can follow the discussion on Jira ticket INFRA-24849.
Since Yahoo! switched their DMARC policy in mid-April, we've seen an increase in undeliverable messages sent from our mail server for Yahoo! accounts subscribed to our lists. Roughly half of Apache's mailing lists do some form of message munging, whether it be Subject header prefixes, appended message trailers, or removed mime components. Such actions are incompatible with Y!'s policy for its users, which has meant more bounces and more frustration trying to maintain inclusive discussions with Y! users.
Since Y!'s actions are likely just the beginning of a trend towards strong DMARC policies aimed at eliminating forged emails, we've taken the extraordinary step of munging Y! user's From headers to append a spec-compliant .INVALID marker on their address, and dropping the DKIM-Signature: header for such messages. We are an ezmlm shop and maintain a heavily customized .ezmlmrc file, so carrying this action out was relatively straightforward with a 30-line perl header filter prepended to certain lines in the "editor" block of our .ezmlmrc file. The filter does a dynamic lookup of DMARC "p=reject" policies to inform its actions, so we are prepared for future adopters beyond the early ones like Yahoo!, AOL, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Interested parties in our solution may visit this page for details and the Apache-licensed code.
Of course this filter only applies to half our lists- the remainder that do no munging are perfectly compatible with DMARC rejection policies without modification of our list software or configuration. Apache projects that prefer to avoid munging may file a Jira ticket with infrastructure to ask that their lists be set to "ezmlm-make -+ -TXF" options.
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