Brand New Self-serve Page

Posted on: 2023-03-01 00:00:00+00:00

Greetings all!

We're announcing a new look for today! It's a completely updated site, featuring a new layout which we hope will suit everyone better. The new update also cleans up a some tech debt we've had with the old site, so adding new features or integrations should be easier for us to roll out.

New Features

One of the new features we've also rolled out on is the ability for someone to request a public Jira account through the page! We've been trying to develop a way to fight spammers and bad actors for a while on Jira and we know based on feedback that turning off the public signup link has caused some new issues. This is a brand new process whereby someone (existing committer or not) can fill out the form, add some detail as to why they are asking for access, and then a mail is sent to the PMC to approve or deny the request. The requester gets updated when their account is approved or denied, with the PMC having the ability to reply with a reason for denial.

Feel free to check it out, tell your friends, break it and email with any details! Fun for the entire family!

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