Subscribe to Apache Software Foundation infrastructure events

The ASF employs a plain-text publisher/subscriber service called PyPubSub at, which lists most events that happen within the Foundation's infrastructure.

Currently, the service streams the following events:

  • Subversion commits
  • Git commits and pushes
  • Emails to publicly archived lists
  • JIRA updates
  • Pull Requests and Issues from GitHub
  • Staging and publishing notifications sent via our .asf.yaml offering.

Events are delivered as JSON objects in a chunked response stream, with each new chunk being either an event payload or a keep-alive ping.

How to subscribe

Subscribers can pick one or multiple topics to subscribe to, with more specific subscriptions getting fewer, but more specific, event payloads. Construct subscriptions in the form of:, and separate the topics you want to subscribe to with forward slashes.

The service returns events that match all of the topics you are subscribed to. To subscribe to multiple topic batches in an OR'ed way, you may use a comma to separate your batches of topics.

Some examples:

  • To subscribe to all svn commits;
  • To subscribe to all git commits;
  • To subscribe to all git events (push+commit) for whimsy.git;
  • To subscribe to all emails:
  • To subscribe to PRs opened against beam-foo.git:
  • To subscribe to all commits, both Subversion and git:
  • To subscribe to all JIRA events for the HADOOP JIRA instance:
  • To subscribe to both JIRA and email streams for tomcat in one go:,email/

Public SVN repo topics consist of 'svn', the first one or two path segments after the /repos/ in the URL, and 'commit'. For example, changes to the repository have the topics svn/dist/release/commit. A commit that involves changes to both dist/release and dist/dev has the topics svn/dist/commit. Note that svn/dist/release/commit will not match, because the topics in the response do not include release.

Private SVN repos topics are constructed in the same way, but have an additional 'private' topic. For example returns commits for

Event payload examples

Pings are simple objects like this:

{"stillalive": 1583973410.9620552}

An example of a real event payload, in this case a git commit, could be (emails redacted in this example):

	"commit": {
		"body": "[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration\n",
		"committer": "sblackmon <>",
		"hash": "8e6f956",
		"log": "[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration",
		"repository": "git",
		"sha": "8e6f956c2eda06ca9debf21634cedcecc96293ff",
		"author": "sblackmon",
		"files": ["pom.xml", "streams-cli/pom.xml", "streams-components/pom.xml"],
		"server": "gitbox",
		"project": "streams",
		"autopublish": false,
		"date": "Wed Mar 11 19:25:06 2020 -0500",
		"committed": "Wed Mar 11 19:25:06 2020 -0500",
		"subject": "[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration",
		"ref": "refs/heads/master",
		"email": "",
		"authored": "Wed Mar 11 19:25:06 2020 -0500",
		"ref_names": ""
	"pubsub_topics": ["git", "streams", "commit"],
	"pubsub_path": "/git/streams/commit"

Payloads vary depending on what they represent, so check both what sub-objects are present in the payload and the pubsub_path variable, which will show the full payload event path and explain which type is being sent.

Try it yourself

To try it out and take a look at the event stream, use cURL in your terminal:


A secure version also exists on port 2070, for use with authenticated event streams:


Please note that due to limitations in our TLS terminator, payloads larger than 64kb are split into 64kb chunks on port 2070. If you are using port 2070, you should ensure that the data you receive is terminated with a newline (\n), or continue fetching data till you hit a chunk terminated with a newline.

N.B. the following curl switches may be added:

  • -N - non-buffered output; used when piping into another command (e.g. tail)
  • -sS - silent mode (-s) but still shows error messages (-S)

Using PyPubSub in programming

Using PyPubSub with Python

You can listen for and react to payloads in Python using the asfpy pip package:

import asfpy.pubsub

def process_event(payload):
   print("Got an event from PyPubSub!")

def main():
    pubsub = asfpy.pubsub.Listener('')
    pubsub.attach(process_event, raw=True)

Using PyPubSub with node.js

This sample snippet lets you use node.js for listening for and processing pubsub events:

const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");

class PyPubSub {
    constructor(url) {
        this.url = url;
        this.getter = url.match(/^https/i) ? https : http;

    attach(func) {
        this.getter.get(this.url, res => {
            let body = '';
            res.on("data", data => {
	        // Be mindful of proxies that split pubsub chunks into smaller ones,
		// only load the JSON blob once we hit a newline (\n)
                body += data;
                if (data.endsWith("\n")) {
                    let payload = JSON.parse(body);
                    body = '';

// Test
function process(payload) {
    // ping-back?
    if (payload.stillalive) {
        console.log("Got a ping-back");
    // Actual payload? process it!
    } else {
        console.log("Got a payload from PyPubSub!");

const pps = new PyPubSub('');

Using PyPubSub with Ruby

This sample lets you connect to our pubsub service via Ruby:

require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'thread'

pubsub_URL = ''

def do_stuff_with(event)
  print("Got a pubsub event!:\n")

def listen(url)
  ps_thread = do
      uri = URI.parse(url)
      Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => url.match(/^https:/) ? true : false) do |http|
        request = uri.request_uri
        http.request request do |response|
          body = ''
          response.read_body do |chunk|
            body += chunk
	    # All chunks are terminated with \n. Since 2070 can split events into 64kb sub-chunks
	    # we wait till we have gotten a newline, before trying to parse the JSON.
            if chunk.end_with? "\n"
              event = JSON.parse(body.chomp)
              body = ''
              if event['stillalive']  # pingback
                print("ping? PONG!\n")
    rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e
      restartable = true
      STDERR.puts e
      sleep 3
    rescue Exception => e
      STDERR.puts e
      STDERR.puts e.backtrace
  return ps_thread

  ps_thread = listen(pubsub_URL)
  print("Pubsub thread started, waiting for results...\n")
  while ps_thread.alive?
    sleep 10

Want to know more? Have questions?

To learn more, or just get some questions answered, please contact us at, and we'll try our best to help you out.


PyPubSub is based on SvnPubSub and gitpubsub. We wish to thank the Subversion project for building the precursor to this service.

Copyright 2025, The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Apache® and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.