Project site policy
Every Apache top level project (TLP) must have a static website that conforms with the Apache Project Site Branding Policy.
Whimsy's Apache Project Website Checks tool periodically reviews all TLP websites to provide a report on how well they comply with that policy, and to identify issues that a project may need to address.
From Infra's point of view:
- Each TLP's website must be hosted on ASF-operated hardware, or on an approved alternative such as WordPress or GitHub Pages. Consult with Infra if you are considering a host not mentioned here.
- The website's source code must be stored in an ASF Git or Subversion repository to track the site's change history and so the source code is available for download.
- The website's source code must be available under the current Apache license.
- See also the Content Security Policy regarding third-party material on project websites.
- See more about developing your project site.
Copyright 2025, The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
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