ASF Pelican plugins
Note In 2019 Infra created ASF-Pelican as a structure and template for projects to use to build their websites, and for the ASF's own website.
In 2024, Infra moved from ASF-Pelican to the ASF Infrastructure Pelican Action GitHub Action to perform the same functions without being closely tied to BuildBot. The repository for this GHA is
The following material is correct for both ASF-Pelican and its replacement.
You can find the available plugins for a site using the ASF-Pelican template in the themes/plugins
folder of your website's project repository.
Plugin architecture
The plugins operate at various points in a Pelican build.
Pelican uses signals at various points.
Here is a high-level review of the sequence of events:
Pelican settings
Settings for a Pelican build are in your Pelican configuration file,
. Here is where you list the plugins you are using.
PLUGIN_PATHS = ['./theme/plugins']
PLUGINS = ['asfgenid', 'asfdata', 'pelican-gfm', 'asfreader']
At initialization, Pelican reads any ASF_DATA into a metadata dictionary that is available in every page in the site.
- The plugin
reads an.asfdata.yaml
file and creates the metadata dictionary.
ASF_DATA_YAML = ".asfdata.yaml"
'data': ASF_DATA_YAML,
'metadata': { },
'debug': True
- The asfgenid plugin
configures the site's features.
# Configure the asfgenid plugin
'metadata': True,
'elements': True,
'headings': True,
'headings_re': r'^h[1-4]',
'permalinks': True,
'toc': True,
'toc_headers': r"h[1-4]",
'tables': True,
'debug': False
Readers (readers_init)
The system sets two important readers at this point. Readers are responsible for transforming page files to HTML and providing a metadata dictionary.
- GFMReader by the pelican-gfm plugin. This code is in a private repository - ask Infra. Transforms GitHub Flavored Markdown(GFM) to HTML.
- .md
- .markdown
- .mkd
- .mdown
ASFReader, transforms an ezt template into GFM and then to HTML.- .ezmd
Content init (content_object_init)
This is signaled after a reader has processed the site's content. At this point plugins can review, record, and transform the HTML content.
- The asfgenid plugin,
, performs a number of steps. Some of the steps are optional.- Metadata transformation by looking up {{ key_expression }} in the page metadata.
- Inventory of existing ID attributes.
- Set ID and class attributes specified by {#id} and {.class} syntax.
- Assign an ID to any headings without IDs.
- Insert a table of contents if a [TOC] tag is present.
Apache CMS
Many projects had their websites served by the Apache CMS from 2010. It was deprecated in 2021. The CMS was written in Perl. We have a new approach that fits Pelican.
If you want to look into the old CMS process, its Subversion repository and history remain available.
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